jateknight   03-05-2013, 06:56 PM
ต้องบอกก่อนนะครับว่าผมใช้ RPG Maker ไม่เป็น

แปลเสร็จหมดแล้วก็ลองเล่นดูครับ มีปัญหาว่าสระมันลอย ก็ไปค้นกูเกิ้ลได้สคริปท์สระลอยมาครับ พอแก้สระลอยได้เจอปัญหาใหม่คือ พอมีช้อยส์ให้เลือก พวก Take|Don't Take พวกนี้ มันไม่ยอมขึ้นมาให้เลือกครับ แล้วก็บังคับตัวละครไม่ได้ ผมก็ค้นๆดู ไปเจอสคริปท์ Window_Message อีกตัวนึงครับที่คนสร้างเกมเค้าใส่เอาไว้

ที่นี้ผมก็มั่วๆเอาว่าไอสคริปท์สระลอยเนี่ย เป็น Window_Message เหมือนกัน มันจะมีสองอันไม่ได้ เดียวมันตีกัน ผมเลยลบของเค้าทิ้งไปครับ แล้วใช้สคริปต์สระลอย

ปัญหาก็หายครับ แต่ปัญหาใหม่ก็ตามมาอีก ไอสคริปท์ที่ผมไปลบเนี่ย เป็นสคริปท์ที่เขียนให้มีลูกเล่นเกี่ยวกับตัวอักษรอ่ะครับ เช่น \centerสวัสดี คำว่าสวัสดีจะอยู่ตรงกลาง กับ \s[8] ตัวอักษรที่ออกมาจะมีความช้ากว่าปกติ แต่ที่นี้ผมไปลบสคริปท์เขามันก็เลยออกมาเป็น \centerสวัสดี มันไม่สวยอ่ะครับ เลยอยากจะขอความช่วยเหลือว่าผมต้องทำยังไงครับผม


# ▽▽▽ XRXSv2. メッセージ表示フルグレードアップVX ▽▽▽
# publish 2010/ 3/ 2
# update  - 11/ 1/10a
# カスタマイズポイント
class Window_Message < Window_Selectable
  # 基本行数
  MAX_LINE = 3
  # \p[] - キャラポップの高さ
  # \name[] - 名前枠 X,Y座標
# 参照機能
class Game_Temp
  attr_accessor :last_gain_material
  attr_accessor :last_gain_holder
# フルグレードアップベース - 制御文字・基本機能
class Window_Message < Window_Selectable
  # ● 特殊文字の変換 + 準備
  alias xrxsv2_convert_special_characters convert_special_characters
  def convert_special_characters
    # 初期化
    contents.font.size   = Font.default_size
    contents.font.bold   = Font.default_italic
    contents.font.italic = Font.default_bold
    contents.font.shadow = Font.default_shadow
    @type_wait = 0
    @line_widths = []
    @line_aligns = []
    self.pop_character = nil
    # ウィンドウ保持指定\holdがあるか?
    @window_hold = (@text.gsub!(/\\hold/) { "" } != nil)
    # \info
    @info_mode = (@text.gsub!(/\\info/) { "" } != nil)
    # 改行削除指定\_があるか?
    if (/\\_(.*?)\x00/.match(@text)) != nil
      $game_message.choice_start -= 1
      @text.gsub!(/\\_(.*?)\x00/) { $1.to_s }
    # \name 判定
    if @text.sub!(/\\[Nn]ame\[(.*?)\]/) { "" }
      name = $1
      bitmap = @name_sprite.bitmap
      w = [bitmap.text_size(name).width, 1].max
      @name_sprite.bitmap = Bitmap.new(w, 32)
      bitmap = @name_sprite.bitmap
      bitmap.draw_text(0, 0, bitmap.width, bitmap.height, name)
      @name_window.width = w + 16
      @name_window.openness = 0
      @name_window.visible = true
      @name_sprite.visible = true
      @name_window.visible = false
      @name_sprite.visible = false
      @name_sprite.bitmap = Bitmap.new(32,32)
    # キャラボップモード
    if @text.gsub!(/\\[Pp]\[-1\]/) { "" }
      self.pop_character = -1
    elsif @text.gsub!(/\\[Pp]\[([0-9]+)\]/) { "" }
      self.pop_character = $1.to_i
    elsif @text.gsub!(/\\[Pp]/) { "" }
      self.pop_character = 0
    # 制御文字処理
    @text.gsub!(/\\[Ss]\[([0-9]+)\]/i) { "\x11[#{$1}]" }
    @text.gsub!(/\\size\[([0-9]+)\]/i) { "\x12[#{$1}]" }
    @text.gsub!(/\\[Oo]\[([0-9]+)\]/i) { "\x13[#{$1}]" }
    @text.gsub!(/\\icon\[([0-9]+)\]/i) { "\x17[#{$1}]" }
    @text.gsub!(/\\last_holder/i) { "\x18" }
    @text.gsub!(/\\last_material/i) { "\x19" }
    @text.gsub!(/\\B/) { "\x14" }
    @text.gsub!(/\\I/) { "\x15" }
    @text.gsub!(/\\D/) { "\x16" }
    @text.gsub!(/\\n/) { "\x00" }
    # ライン情報の取得
    rxs = ["\x01","\x02","\x03","\x04","\x05","\x06","\x07","\x08",
      "\x11","\x12","\x13","\x14", "\x15", "\x16", "\x17", "\x18","\x19"]
    lines = @text.split("\x00")
    @lines_max = lines.size
    for i in 0...@lines_max
      line = lines[i]
      for rx in rxs
        line.gsub!(rx) {""}
      @line_aligns[i] =
        line.sub!(/\\center/) {""} ? CENTER :
        line.sub!(/\\right/)  {""} ? RIGHT :
      # 行の横幅の取得と設定
      cx = contents.text_size(line).width
      @line_widths[i] = cx
    # 位置揃え制御文字の削除
    @text.gsub!(/\\center/) {""}
    @text.gsub!(/\\right/) {""}
    # キャラポップ時のウィンドウリサイズ
  # ● メッセージの更新 *
  def update_message
    @wait_count = @type_wait
    loop do
      c = @text.slice!(/./m)
      case update_message_type(c)
      when 1
      when 2
      break unless @show_fast or @line_show_fast
  # 一文字の描画 (返り値 1:break, 2:next)
  def update_message_type(c)
    case c
    when nil                          # 描画すべき文字がない
      finish_message                  # 更新終了
      return 1
    when "\x00"                       # 改行
      max = MAX_LINE
      max = 14 if self.pop_character != nil
      if @line_count >= max      # 行数が最大のとき
        unless @text.empty?           # さらに続きがあるなら
          self.pause = true           # 入力待ちを入れる
          return 1
    when "\x01"                       # \C[n]  (文字色変更)
      @text.sub!(/\[([0-9]+)\]/, "")
      contents.font.color = text_color($1.to_i)
      return 2
    when "\x11"                       # \s[n]  (スピード変更)
      @text.sub!(/\[([0-9]+)\]/, "")
      @type_wait = $1.to_i
      return 2
    when "\x12"                       # \size
      @text.sub!(/\[([0-9]+)\]/, "")
      contents.font.size = $1.to_i
      return 2
    when "\x13"                       # \O
      @text.sub!(/\[([0-9]+)\]/, "")
      contents.font.color.alpha = $1.to_i
      return 2
    when "\x02"                       # \G  (所持金表示)
    when "\x03"                       # \.  (ウェイト 1/4 秒)
      @wait_count = 15
      return 1
    when "\x04"                       # \|  (ウェイト 1 秒)
      @wait_count = 60
      return 1
    when "\x05"                       # \!  (入力待ち)
      self.pause = true
      return 1
    when "\x06"                       # \>  (瞬間表示 ON)
      @line_show_fast = true
    when "\x07"                       # \<  (瞬間表示 OFF)
      @line_show_fast = false
    when "\x08"                       # \^  (入力待ちなし)
      @pause_skip = true
    when "\x14" #\B
      contents.font.bold ^= true
    when "\x15" #\I
      contents.font.italic ^= true
    when "\x16" #\D
      contents.font.shadow ^= true
    when "\x17"
      @text.sub!(/\[([0-9]+)\]/, "")
      draw_icon($1.to_i, @contents_x, @contents_y)
      @contents_x += 24
    when "\x18"
      name = ($game_temp.last_gain_holder.name rescue "")
    when "\x19"
      item = ($game_temp.last_gain_material.item rescue nil)
      draw_item_name(item, @contents_x, @contents_y)
      @contents_x += 196
    else                              # 普通の文字
    return 0
  def update_message_type_draw_at(c)
    return if c.to_s.size == 0
    c_width  = contents.text_size(c).width
    c_height = contents.text_size(c).height
    contents.draw_text(@contents_x, @contents_y - (c_height - WLH) / 2, c_width, c_height, c)
    @contents_x += c_width
  # ● 改ページ処理
  alias xrxsv2_new_page new_page
  def new_page
  # ● 改行処理
  alias xrxsv2_new_line new_line
  def new_line
  # 位置揃え
  def set_align
    w = @line_widths[@line_count].to_i
    a = @line_aligns[@line_count]
    case a
    when CENTER
      @contents_x = @contents_x + ((contents.width - @contents_x) - w) / 2
    when RIGHT
      @contents_x = contents.width - w
  # ● メッセージの終了
  alias xrxsv2_terminate_message terminate_message
  def terminate_message
  # 定数
  AUTO   = 0
  LEFT   = 1
  CENTER = 2
  RIGHT  = 3
# アクティブイベント取得
class Game_Interpreter
  attr_reader   :event_id
# 各種機能の追加 - キャラポップ/ネーム/ホールド
class Window_Message < Window_Selectable
  # ● カーソルの更新 *
  def update_cursor
    if @index >= 0
      x = ($game_message.face_name.empty? ? 0 : 112)
      y = ($game_message.choice_start + @index) * WLH - 1
      w = contents.width - x
      if self.pop_character != nil
        x += 28
        w -= 20
      self.cursor_rect.set(x, y, w, WLH)
  # キャラクターの取得
  #   parameter : パラメータ
  def get_character(parameter)
    # パラメータで分岐
    case parameter
    when -1  # プレイヤー
      return $game_player
    when 0  # 現在アクティブなイベント
      id = $game_map.interpreter.event_id
      events = $game_map.events
      return events == nil ? nil : events[id]
    else  # 特定のイベント
      events = $game_map.events
      return events == nil ? nil : events[parameter]
  # (メッセージ終了時)ホールドの処理
  def process_hold
    if @window_hold
      for sprite in @extra_sprites
        next if sprite.disposed?
      self.openness = 0
      @name_window.openness = 0
      @back_sprite.visible = false
      @held_windows.each {|object| object.dispose}
    @name_sprite.visible = false
  # キャラポップ位置の設定と取得
  def pop_character=(character_id)
    @pop_character = character_id
  def pop_character
    return @pop_character
  # キャラポップ時のウィンドウリサイズ
  def reszie_window_for_pop
    if self.pop_character != nil
      max_x = @line_widths.max.to_i
      n  = max_x + 32
      n += $game_message.face_name.empty? ? 0 : 122
      m  = $game_message.face_name.empty? ? 0 : 96
      w  = @name_sprite.bitmap.width
      self.width  = [n, w].max
      self.height = [@lines_max * WLH, m].max + 32
    elsif @info_mode
      @line_aligns[0] = CENTER
      self.x = - 8
      self.width = Graphics.width + 16
      self.height = 56
      self.x = 0
      self.width  = Graphics.width
      self.height = MAX_LINE * WLH + 32
  # ● 背景スプライトの作成
  alias xrxsv2_create_back_sprite create_back_sprite
  def create_back_sprite
    @back_sprite.zoom_x = 1.0 * Graphics.width / @back_sprite.bitmap.width
    @name_window = Window_Base.new(0,0,112,36)
    @name_window.visible = false
    @name_sprite = Sprite.new
    @name_sprite.bitmap = Bitmap.new(32,32)
    @name_sprite.visible = false
    self.x = self.x
    self.y = self.y
    self.z = self.z
    @held_windows = []
    @extra_sprites = []
  # ● 背景スプライトの解放
  alias xrxsv2_dispose_back_sprite dispose_back_sprite
  def dispose_back_sprite
    for window in @held_windows
  # ● 背景スプライトの更新
  alias xrxsv2_update_back_sprite update_back_sprite
  def update_back_sprite
  # ウィンドウの位置と不透明度の設定 (キャラポップ)
  def update_charpop_window
    if self.pop_character
      character = get_character(self.pop_character)
      return if character == nil
      # [X座標]
      n = self.width / 2
      n = [n, @name_skin.width + 16].max if @current_name != nil
      w = @name_sprite.bitmap.width
      x = character.screen_x - [[n, w].max, self.width - 32].min
      # [Y座標]
      case @position
      when 0
        y = character.screen_y - CHARPOP_HEIGHT - self.height
        y = character.screen_y + 16
      x_max = Graphics.width - 4 - self.width
      x_min = 4
      y_max = Graphics.height - self.height
      y_min = 4
      self.x = [[x, x_max].min, x_min].max
      self.y = [[y, y_max].min, y_min].max
  # 位置の連動
  def x=(n)
    if @name_window
      @name_window.x = n + NAME_WINDOW_OFFSET_X
      @name_sprite.x = n + NAME_WINDOW_OFFSET_X + 8
  def y=(n)
    if @name_window
      @name_window.y = n + NAME_WINDOW_OFFSET_Y
      @name_sprite.y = n + NAME_WINDOW_OFFSET_Y + 2
  def z=(n)
    if @name_window
      @name_window.z = n + 1
      @name_sprite.z = n + 2
# 伸縮対応
class Window_Message < Window_Selectable
  # ● ウィンドウの背景と位置の設定 [再定義]
  def reset_window
    @background = $game_message.background
    @position = $game_message.position
    if @background == 0   # 通常ウィンドウ
      self.opacity = 255
    else                  # 背景を暗くする、透明にする
      self.opacity = 0
    case @position
    when 0  # 上
      self.y = 0
      @gold_window.y = 360
    when 1  # 中
      self.y = (Graphics.height - self.height) / 2
      @gold_window.y = 0
    when 2  # 下
      self.y = Graphics.height - self.height
      @gold_window.y = 0
# □ Window_Copy
#   指定のウィンドウのコピーを作成します。
class Window_Copy < Window_Base
  # ○ オブジェクト初期化
  def initialize(window)
    super(window.x, window.y, window.width, window.height)
    self.contents = window.contents.dup unless window.contents.nil?
    self.opacity = window.opacity
    self.back_opacity = window.back_opacity
    self.z = window.z - 3
    self.visible = window.visible
# □ Sprite_Copy
#   指定のスプライトのコピーを作成します。
class Sprite_Copy < Sprite
  # ○ オブジェクト初期化
  def initialize(sprite)
    self.bitmap = sprite.bitmap.dup unless sprite.bitmap.nil?
    self.opacity = sprite.opacity
    self.x = sprite.x
    self.y = sprite.y
    self.z = sprite.z - 3
    self.ox = sprite.ox
    self.oy = sprite.oy
    self.zoom_x = sprite.zoom_x
    self.visible = sprite.visible

สคริปท์แก้สระลอยที่ผมใช้ เป็นของคุณ วอราม่อนครับ ขอบคุณมากนะครับ
# Window_Message
# RMVX Window_Message with Thai Vowels Support
# by Woratana [woratana@hotmail.com]
# Thaiware RPG Maker Community
# Special Thanks: Thai AMS by Mako & Nechigawara

class Window_Message < Window_Selectable
  # ● 定数
  MAX_LINE = 4                            # 最大行数
  # ● オブジェクト初期化
  def initialize
    super(0, 288, 544, 128)
    self.z = 200
    self.active = false
    self.index = -1
    self.openness = 0
    @opening = false            # ウィンドウのオープン中フラグ
    @closing = false            # ウィンドウのクローズ中フラグ
    @text = nil                 # 表示すべき残りの文章
    @contents_x = 0             # 次の文字を描画する X 座標
    @contents_y = 0             # 次の文字を描画する Y 座標
    @line_count = 0             # 現在までに描画した行数
    @wait_count = 0             # ウェイトカウント
    @background = 0             # 背景タイプ
    @position = 2               # 表示位置
    @show_fast = false          # 早送りフラグ
    @line_show_fast = false     # 行単位早送りフラグ
    @pause_skip = false         # 入力待ち省略フラグ
    @last_c = nil
    @last_chara = ""
  # ● 解放
  def dispose
  # ● フレーム更新
  def update
    unless @opening or @closing             # ウィンドウの開閉中以外
      if @wait_count > 0                    # 文章内ウェイト中
        @wait_count -= 1
      elsif self.pause                      # 文章送り待機中
      elsif self.active                     # 選択肢入力中
      elsif @number_input_window.visible    # 数値入力中
      elsif @text != nil                    # 残りの文章が存在
        update_message                        # メッセージの更新
      elsif continue?                       # 続ける場合
        start_message                         # メッセージの開始
        open                                  # ウィンドウを開く
        $game_message.visible = true
      else                                  # 続けない場合
        close                                 # ウィンドウを閉じる
        $game_message.visible = @closing
  # ● 所持金ウィンドウの作成
  def create_gold_window
    @gold_window = Window_Gold.new(384, 0)
    @gold_window.openness = 0
  # ● 数値入力ウィンドウの作成
  def create_number_input_window
    @number_input_window = Window_NumberInput.new
    @number_input_window.visible = false
  # ● 背景スプライトの作成
  def create_back_sprite
    @back_sprite = Sprite.new
    @back_sprite.bitmap = Cache.system("MessageBack")
    @back_sprite.visible = (@background == 1)
    @back_sprite.z = 190
  # ● 所持金ウィンドウの解放
  def dispose_gold_window
  # ● 数値入力ウィンドウの解放
  def dispose_number_input_window
  # ● 背景スプライトの解放
  def dispose_back_sprite
  # ● 所持金ウィンドウの更新
  def update_gold_window
  # ● 数値入力ウィンドウの更新
  def update_number_input_window
  # ● 背景スプライトの更新
  def update_back_sprite
    @back_sprite.visible = (@background == 1)
    @back_sprite.y = y - 16
    @back_sprite.opacity = openness
  # ● 早送りフラグの更新
  def update_show_fast
    if self.pause or self.openness < 255
      @show_fast = false
    elsif Input.trigger?(Input::C) and @wait_count < 2
      @show_fast = true
    elsif not Input.press?(Input::C)
      @show_fast = false
    if @show_fast and @wait_count > 0
      @wait_count -= 1
  # ● 次のメッセージを続けて表示するべきか判定
  def continue?
    return true if $game_message.num_input_variable_id > 0
    return false if $game_message.texts.empty?
    if self.openness > 0 and not $game_temp.in_battle
      return false if @background != $game_message.background
      return false if @position != $game_message.position
    return true
  # ● メッセージの開始
  def start_message
    @text = ""
    for i in 0...$game_message.texts.size
      @text += "  " if i >= $game_message.choice_start
      @text += $game_message.texts[i].clone + "\x00"
    @item_max = $game_message.choice_max
  # ● 改ページ処理
  def new_page
    if $game_message.face_name.empty?
      @contents_x = 0
      name = $game_message.face_name
      index = $game_message.face_index
      draw_face(name, index, 0, 0)
      @contents_x = 112
    @contents_y = 0
    @line_count = 0
    @show_fast = false
    @line_show_fast = false
    @pause_skip = false
    contents.font.color = text_color(0)
  # ● 改行処理
  def new_line
    if $game_message.face_name.empty?
      @contents_x = 0
      @contents_x = 112
    @contents_y += WLH
    @line_count += 1
    @line_show_fast = false
  # ● 特殊文字の変換
  def convert_special_characters
    @text.gsub!(/\\V\[([0-9]+)\]/i) { $game_variables[$1.to_i] }
    @text.gsub!(/\\V\[([0-9]+)\]/i) { $game_variables[$1.to_i] }
    @text.gsub!(/\\N\[([0-9]+)\]/i) { $game_actors[$1.to_i].name }
    @text.gsub!(/\\C\[([0-9]+)\]/i) { "\x01[#{$1}]" }
    @text.gsub!(/\\G/)              { "\x02" }
    @text.gsub!(/\\\./)             { "\x03" }
    @text.gsub!(/\\\|/)             { "\x04" }
    @text.gsub!(/\\!/)              { "\x05" }
    @text.gsub!(/\\>/)              { "\x06" }
    @text.gsub!(/\\</)              { "\x07" }
    @text.gsub!(/\\\^/)             { "\x08" }
    @text.gsub!(/\\\\/)             { "\\" }
  # ● ウィンドウの背景と位置の設定
  def reset_window
    @background = $game_message.background
    @position = $game_message.position
    if @background == 0   # 通常ウィンドウ
      self.opacity = 255
    else                  # 背景を暗くする、透明にする
      self.opacity = 0
    case @position
    when 0  # 上
      self.y = 0
      @gold_window.y = 360
    when 1  # 中
      self.y = 144
      @gold_window.y = 0
    when 2  # 下
      self.y = 288
      @gold_window.y = 0
  # ● メッセージの終了
  def terminate_message
    self.active = false
    self.pause = false
    self.index = -1
    @number_input_window.active = false
    @number_input_window.visible = false
    $game_message.main_proc.call if $game_message.main_proc != nil
  # ● メッセージの更新
  def update_message
    loop do
      c = @text.slice!(/./m)            # 次の文字を取得
      p = ""
      deduct = 0
      if c == "้" or c == "่" or c == "๊" or c == "๋" or c == "ี" or c == "ิ" or c == "ื" or c == "ึ" or c == "ุ" or c == "ู" or c == "ั" or c == "็" or c == "์"
      p = c
    elsif c == "ำ"
      deduct = 2
        @last_c = nil
      case c
      when nil                          # 描画すべき文字がない
        finish_message                  # 更新終了
      when "\x00"                       # 改行
        if @line_count >= MAX_LINE      # 行数が最大のとき
          unless @text.empty?           # さらに続きがあるなら
            self.pause = true           # 入力待ちを入れる
      when "\x01"                       # \C[n]  (文字色変更)
        @text.sub!(/\[([0-9]+)\]/, "")
        contents.font.color = text_color($1.to_i)
      when "\x02"                       # \G  (所持金表示)
      when "\x03"                       # \.  (ウェイト 1/4 秒)
        @wait_count = 15
      when "\x04"                       # \|  (ウェイト 1 秒)
        @wait_count = 60
      when "\x05"                       # \!  (入力待ち)
        self.pause = true
      when "\x06"                       # \>  (瞬間表示 ON)
        @line_show_fast = true
      when "\x07"                       # \<  (瞬間表示 OFF)
        @line_show_fast = false
      when "\x08"                       # \^  (入力待ちなし)
        @pause_skip = true
      else                              # 普通の文字
        if p != ""
          @contents_x -= @last_c
          c = @last_chara
        @contents_x -= deduct
        contents.draw_text(@contents_x, @contents_y, 40, WLH, c)
        c_width = contents.text_size(c).width
        if @last_c != nil
          @contents_x += @last_c
          @contents_x += c_width
          @last_c = c_width
          @last_chara = c
        @contents_x += deduct
      break unless @show_fast or @line_show_fast
  # ● メッセージの更新終了
  def finish_message
    if $game_message.choice_max > 0
    elsif $game_message.num_input_variable_id > 0
    elsif @pause_skip
      self.pause = true
    @wait_count = 10
    @text = nil
  # ● 選択肢の開始
  def start_choice
    self.active = true
    self.index = 0
  # ● 数値入力の開始
  def start_number_input
    digits_max = $game_message.num_input_digits_max
    number = $game_variables[$game_message.num_input_variable_id]
    @number_input_window.digits_max = digits_max
    @number_input_window.number = number
    if $game_message.face_name.empty?
      @number_input_window.x = x
      @number_input_window.x = x + 112
    @number_input_window.y = y + @contents_y
    @number_input_window.active = true
    @number_input_window.visible = true
  # ● カーソルの更新
  def update_cursor
    if @index >= 0
      x = $game_message.face_name.empty? ? 0 : 112
      y = ($game_message.choice_start + @index) * WLH
      self.cursor_rect.set(x, y, contents.width - x, WLH)
  # ● 文章送りの入力処理
  def input_pause
    if Input.trigger?(Input::B) or Input.trigger?(Input::C)
      self.pause = false
      if @text != nil and not @text.empty?
        new_page if @line_count >= MAX_LINE
  # ● 選択肢の入力処理
  def input_choice
    if Input.trigger?(Input::B)
      if $game_message.choice_cancel_type > 0
        $game_message.choice_proc.call($game_message.choice_cancel_type - 1)
    elsif Input.trigger?(Input::C)
  # ● 数値入力の処理
  def input_number
    if Input.trigger?(Input::C)
      $game_variables[$game_message.num_input_variable_id] =
      $game_map.need_refresh = true


RPG Maker VX นะครับ


ปล.เกมที่ผมแปลคือเกม The Witch's House นะครับ ผมส่งอีเมลล์ไปขออนุญาตคุณ Fummy แล้ว (คนสร้างเกม) ถ้าเขาไม่อนุญาตผมก็จะแปลมาเล่นเองกับเพื่อนๆครับ แต่ถ้าเขาอนุญาตผมก็จะเอาที่ผมแปลเนี่ยไปปล่อยให้คนอื่นเล่นกันครับ
This post was last modified: 03-05-2013, 06:57 PM by jateknight.
XthemeCore   03-05-2013, 08:23 PM
ลองตัวนี้ดูครับ (ตัวเดียวกับที่ให้มาแล้วยัดของคุณ วอราม่อน เข้าไป)
# ▽▽▽ XRXSv2. メッセージ表示フルグレードアップVX ▽▽▽
# publish 2010/ 3/ 2
# update  - 11/ 1/10a
# カスタマイズポイント
class Window_Message < Window_Selectable
  # 基本行数
  MAX_LINE = 3
  # \p[] - キャラポップの高さ
  # \name[] - 名前枠 X,Y座標
# 参照機能
class Game_Temp
  attr_accessor :last_gain_material
  attr_accessor :last_gain_holder
# フルグレードアップベース - 制御文字・基本機能
class Window_Message < Window_Selectable
  # ● 特殊文字の変換 + 準備
  alias xrxsv2_convert_special_characters convert_special_characters
  def convert_special_characters
    # 初期化
    contents.font.size   = Font.default_size
    contents.font.bold   = Font.default_italic
    contents.font.italic = Font.default_bold
    contents.font.shadow = Font.default_shadow
    @type_wait = 0
    @line_widths = []
    @line_aligns = []
    self.pop_character = nil
    # ウィンドウ保持指定\holdがあるか?
    @window_hold = (@text.gsub!(/\\hold/) { "" } != nil)
    # \info
    @info_mode = (@text.gsub!(/\\info/) { "" } != nil)
    # 改行削除指定\_があるか?
    if (/\\_(.*?)\x00/.match(@text)) != nil
      $game_message.choice_start -= 1
      @text.gsub!(/\\_(.*?)\x00/) { $1.to_s }
    # \name 判定
    if @text.sub!(/\\[Nn]ame\[(.*?)\]/) { "" }
      name = $1
      bitmap = @name_sprite.bitmap
      w = [bitmap.text_size(name).width, 1].max
      @name_sprite.bitmap = Bitmap.new(w, 32)
      bitmap = @name_sprite.bitmap
      bitmap.draw_text(0, 0, bitmap.width, bitmap.height, name)
      @name_window.width = w + 16
      @name_window.openness = 0
      @name_window.visible = true
      @name_sprite.visible = true
      @name_window.visible = false
      @name_sprite.visible = false
      @name_sprite.bitmap = Bitmap.new(32,32)
    # キャラボップモード
    if @text.gsub!(/\\[Pp]\[-1\]/) { "" }
      self.pop_character = -1
    elsif @text.gsub!(/\\[Pp]\[([0-9]+)\]/) { "" }
      self.pop_character = $1.to_i
    elsif @text.gsub!(/\\[Pp]/) { "" }
      self.pop_character = 0
    # 制御文字処理
    @text.gsub!(/\\[Ss]\[([0-9]+)\]/i) { "\x11[#{$1}]" }
    @text.gsub!(/\\size\[([0-9]+)\]/i) { "\x12[#{$1}]" }
    @text.gsub!(/\\[Oo]\[([0-9]+)\]/i) { "\x13[#{$1}]" }
    @text.gsub!(/\\icon\[([0-9]+)\]/i) { "\x17[#{$1}]" }
    @text.gsub!(/\\last_holder/i) { "\x18" }
    @text.gsub!(/\\last_material/i) { "\x19" }
    @text.gsub!(/\\B/) { "\x14" }
    @text.gsub!(/\\I/) { "\x15" }
    @text.gsub!(/\\D/) { "\x16" }
    @text.gsub!(/\\n/) { "\x00" }
    # ライン情報の取得
    rxs = ["\x01","\x02","\x03","\x04","\x05","\x06","\x07","\x08",
      "\x11","\x12","\x13","\x14", "\x15", "\x16", "\x17", "\x18","\x19"]
    lines = @text.split("\x00")
    @lines_max = lines.size
    for i in 0...@lines_max
      line = lines[i]
      for rx in rxs
        line.gsub!(rx) {""}
      @line_aligns[i] =
        line.sub!(/\\center/) {""} ? CENTER :
        line.sub!(/\\right/)  {""} ? RIGHT :
      # 行の横幅の取得と設定
      cx = contents.text_size(line).width
      @line_widths[i] = cx
    # 位置揃え制御文字の削除
    @text.gsub!(/\\center/) {""}
    @text.gsub!(/\\right/) {""}
    # キャラポップ時のウィンドウリサイズ
  # ● メッセージの更新 *
  def update_message
    @wait_count = @type_wait
    loop do
      c = @text.slice!(/./m)            # 次の文字を取得
      p = ""
      deduct = 0
      if c == "้" or c == "่" or c == "๊" or c == "๋" or c == "ี" or c == "ิ" or c == "ื" or c == "ึ" or c == "ุ" or c == "ู" or c == "ั" or c == "็" or c == "์"
      p = c
    elsif c == "ำ"
      deduct = 2
        @last_c = nil
      case update_message_type(c)
      when 1
      when 2
      break unless @show_fast or @line_show_fast
  # 一文字の描画 (返り値 1:break, 2:next)
  def update_message_type(c)
    case c
    when nil                          # 描画すべき文字がない
      finish_message                  # 更新終了
      return 1
    when "\x00"                       # 改行
      max = MAX_LINE
      max = 14 if self.pop_character != nil
      if @line_count >= max      # 行数が最大のとき
        unless @text.empty?           # さらに続きがあるなら
          self.pause = true           # 入力待ちを入れる
          return 1
    when "\x01"                       # \C[n]  (文字色変更)
      @text.sub!(/\[([0-9]+)\]/, "")
      contents.font.color = text_color($1.to_i)
      return 2
    when "\x11"                       # \s[n]  (スピード変更)
      @text.sub!(/\[([0-9]+)\]/, "")
      @type_wait = $1.to_i
      return 2
    when "\x12"                       # \size
      @text.sub!(/\[([0-9]+)\]/, "")
      contents.font.size = $1.to_i
      return 2
    when "\x13"                       # \O
      @text.sub!(/\[([0-9]+)\]/, "")
      contents.font.color.alpha = $1.to_i
      return 2
    when "\x02"                       # \G  (所持金表示)
    when "\x03"                       # \.  (ウェイト 1/4 秒)
      @wait_count = 15
      return 1
    when "\x04"                       # \|  (ウェイト 1 秒)
      @wait_count = 60
      return 1
    when "\x05"                       # \!  (入力待ち)
      self.pause = true
      return 1
    when "\x06"                       # \>  (瞬間表示 ON)
      @line_show_fast = true
    when "\x07"                       # \<  (瞬間表示 OFF)
      @line_show_fast = false
    when "\x08"                       # \^  (入力待ちなし)
      @pause_skip = true
    when "\x14" #\B
      contents.font.bold ^= true
    when "\x15" #\I
      contents.font.italic ^= true
    when "\x16" #\D
      contents.font.shadow ^= true
    when "\x17"
      @text.sub!(/\[([0-9]+)\]/, "")
      draw_icon($1.to_i, @contents_x, @contents_y)
      @contents_x += 24
    when "\x18"
      name = ($game_temp.last_gain_holder.name rescue "")
    when "\x19"
      item = ($game_temp.last_gain_material.item rescue nil)
      draw_item_name(item, @contents_x, @contents_y)
      @contents_x += 196
    else                              # 普通の文字
    return 0
  def update_message_type_draw_at(c)
    return if c.to_s.size == 0
    c_width  = contents.text_size(c).width
    c_height = contents.text_size(c).height
    contents.draw_text(@contents_x, @contents_y - (c_height - WLH) / 2, c_width, c_height, c)
    @contents_x += c_width
  # ● 改ページ処理
  alias xrxsv2_new_page new_page
  def new_page
  # ● 改行処理
  alias xrxsv2_new_line new_line
  def new_line
  # 位置揃え
  def set_align
    w = @line_widths[@line_count].to_i
    a = @line_aligns[@line_count]
    case a
    when CENTER
      @contents_x = @contents_x + ((contents.width - @contents_x) - w) / 2
    when RIGHT
      @contents_x = contents.width - w
  # ● メッセージの終了
  alias xrxsv2_terminate_message terminate_message
  def terminate_message
  # 定数
  AUTO   = 0
  LEFT   = 1
  CENTER = 2
  RIGHT  = 3
# アクティブイベント取得
class Game_Interpreter
  attr_reader   :event_id
# 各種機能の追加 - キャラポップ/ネーム/ホールド
class Window_Message < Window_Selectable
  # ● カーソルの更新 *
  def update_cursor
    if @index >= 0
      x = ($game_message.face_name.empty? ? 0 : 112)
      y = ($game_message.choice_start + @index) * WLH - 1
      w = contents.width - x
      if self.pop_character != nil
        x += 28
        w -= 20
      self.cursor_rect.set(x, y, w, WLH)
  # キャラクターの取得
  #   parameter : パラメータ
  def get_character(parameter)
    # パラメータで分岐
    case parameter
    when -1  # プレイヤー
      return $game_player
    when 0  # 現在アクティブなイベント
      id = $game_map.interpreter.event_id
      events = $game_map.events
      return events == nil ? nil : events[id]
    else  # 特定のイベント
      events = $game_map.events
      return events == nil ? nil : events[parameter]
  # (メッセージ終了時)ホールドの処理
  def process_hold
    if @window_hold
      for sprite in @extra_sprites
        next if sprite.disposed?
      self.openness = 0
      @name_window.openness = 0
      @back_sprite.visible = false
      @held_windows.each {|object| object.dispose}
    @name_sprite.visible = false
  # キャラポップ位置の設定と取得
  def pop_character=(character_id)
    @pop_character = character_id
  def pop_character
    return @pop_character
  # キャラポップ時のウィンドウリサイズ
  def reszie_window_for_pop
    if self.pop_character != nil
      max_x = @line_widths.max.to_i
      n  = max_x + 32
      n += $game_message.face_name.empty? ? 0 : 122
      m  = $game_message.face_name.empty? ? 0 : 96
      w  = @name_sprite.bitmap.width
      self.width  = [n, w].max
      self.height = [@lines_max * WLH, m].max + 32
    elsif @info_mode
      @line_aligns[0] = CENTER
      self.x = - 8
      self.width = Graphics.width + 16
      self.height = 56
      self.x = 0
      self.width  = Graphics.width
      self.height = MAX_LINE * WLH + 32
  # ● 背景スプライトの作成
  alias xrxsv2_create_back_sprite create_back_sprite
  def create_back_sprite
    @back_sprite.zoom_x = 1.0 * Graphics.width / @back_sprite.bitmap.width
    @name_window = Window_Base.new(0,0,112,36)
    @name_window.visible = false
    @name_sprite = Sprite.new
    @name_sprite.bitmap = Bitmap.new(32,32)
    @name_sprite.visible = false
    self.x = self.x
    self.y = self.y
    self.z = self.z
    @held_windows = []
    @extra_sprites = []
  # ● 背景スプライトの解放
  alias xrxsv2_dispose_back_sprite dispose_back_sprite
  def dispose_back_sprite
    for window in @held_windows
  # ● 背景スプライトの更新
  alias xrxsv2_update_back_sprite update_back_sprite
  def update_back_sprite
  # ウィンドウの位置と不透明度の設定 (キャラポップ)
  def update_charpop_window
    if self.pop_character
      character = get_character(self.pop_character)
      return if character == nil
      # [X座標]
      n = self.width / 2
      n = [n, @name_skin.width + 16].max if @current_name != nil
      w = @name_sprite.bitmap.width
      x = character.screen_x - [[n, w].max, self.width - 32].min
      # [Y座標]
      case @position
      when 0
        y = character.screen_y - CHARPOP_HEIGHT - self.height
        y = character.screen_y + 16
      x_max = Graphics.width - 4 - self.width
      x_min = 4
      y_max = Graphics.height - self.height
      y_min = 4
      self.x = [[x, x_max].min, x_min].max
      self.y = [[y, y_max].min, y_min].max
  # 位置の連動
  def x=(n)
    if @name_window
      @name_window.x = n + NAME_WINDOW_OFFSET_X
      @name_sprite.x = n + NAME_WINDOW_OFFSET_X + 8
  def y=(n)
    if @name_window
      @name_window.y = n + NAME_WINDOW_OFFSET_Y
      @name_sprite.y = n + NAME_WINDOW_OFFSET_Y + 2
  def z=(n)
    if @name_window
      @name_window.z = n + 1
      @name_sprite.z = n + 2
# 伸縮対応
class Window_Message < Window_Selectable
  # ● ウィンドウの背景と位置の設定 [再定義]
  def reset_window
    @background = $game_message.background
    @position = $game_message.position
    if @background == 0   # 通常ウィンドウ
      self.opacity = 255
    else                  # 背景を暗くする、透明にする
      self.opacity = 0
    case @position
    when 0  # 上
      self.y = 0
      @gold_window.y = 360
    when 1  # 中
      self.y = (Graphics.height - self.height) / 2
      @gold_window.y = 0
    when 2  # 下
      self.y = Graphics.height - self.height
      @gold_window.y = 0
# □ Window_Copy
#   指定のウィンドウのコピーを作成します。
class Window_Copy < Window_Base
  # ○ オブジェクト初期化
  def initialize(window)
    super(window.x, window.y, window.width, window.height)
    self.contents = window.contents.dup unless window.contents.nil?
    self.opacity = window.opacity
    self.back_opacity = window.back_opacity
    self.z = window.z - 3
    self.visible = window.visible
# □ Sprite_Copy
#   指定のスプライトのコピーを作成します。
class Sprite_Copy < Sprite
  # ○ オブジェクト初期化
  def initialize(sprite)
    self.bitmap = sprite.bitmap.dup unless sprite.bitmap.nil?
    self.opacity = sprite.opacity
    self.x = sprite.x
    self.y = sprite.y
    self.z = sprite.z - 3
    self.ox = sprite.ox
    self.oy = sprite.oy
    self.zoom_x = sprite.zoom_x
    self.visible = sprite.visible

ป.ล. จริงๆผมกะจะแปล The Witch's House ต่อจาก Ao Oni นะเนีย -*-
แต่ไม่เป็นครับแบ่งๆกันไป ^^ (ao oni ก็ยังไม่สมบูรณ์ดี)
This post was last modified: 03-05-2013, 08:31 PM by XthemeCore.
jateknight   03-05-2013, 09:20 PM

ปล.แล้วจะแปลเกมอะไรต่อหรอครับ ผมจะได้ไม่แปลชนกัน
XthemeCore   03-06-2013, 12:35 PM
ลองตัวนี้ดูครับ น่าจะใช้ได้แล้ว วิธีใช้
ให้ใส่แทนที่ XRXSv2 (ตัวเก่า) ตรงช่องที่เขียนว่า ●メッセージ表示フルグレードアップVX
โดยถ้ามี script ของคุณวอราม่อนอยู่ให้เอาออกด้วย (เดี๋ยว script ตีกัน) เป็นอันจบ

# ▽▽▽ XRXSv2. メッセージ表示フルグレードアップVX ▽▽▽
# publish 2010/ 3/ 2
# update  - 11/ 1/10a
# カスタマイズポイント
class Window_Message < Window_Selectable
  # 基本行数
  MAX_LINE = 3
  # \p[] - キャラポップの高さ
  # \name[] - 名前枠 X,Y座標
# 参照機能
class Game_Temp
  attr_accessor :last_gain_material
  attr_accessor :last_gain_holder
# フルグレードアップベース - 制御文字・基本機能
class Window_Message < Window_Selectable
  # ● 特殊文字の変換 + 準備
  alias xrxsv2_convert_special_characters convert_special_characters
  def convert_special_characters
    # 初期化
    contents.font.size   = Font.default_size
    contents.font.bold   = Font.default_italic
    contents.font.italic = Font.default_bold
    contents.font.shadow = Font.default_shadow
    @type_wait = 0
    @line_widths = []
    @line_aligns = []
    self.pop_character = nil
    # ウィンドウ保持指定\holdがあるか?
    @window_hold = (@text.gsub!(/\\hold/) { "" } != nil)
    # \info
    @info_mode = (@text.gsub!(/\\info/) { "" } != nil)
    # 改行削除指定\_があるか?
    if (/\\_(.*?)\x00/.match(@text)) != nil
      $game_message.choice_start -= 1
      @text.gsub!(/\\_(.*?)\x00/) { $1.to_s }
    # \name 判定
    if @text.sub!(/\\[Nn]ame\[(.*?)\]/) { "" }
      name = $1
      bitmap = @name_sprite.bitmap
      w = [bitmap.text_size(name).width, 1].max
      @name_sprite.bitmap = Bitmap.new(w, 32)
      bitmap = @name_sprite.bitmap
      bitmap.draw_text(0, 0, bitmap.width, bitmap.height, name)
      @name_window.width = w + 16
      @name_window.openness = 0
      @name_window.visible = true
      @name_sprite.visible = true
      @name_window.visible = false
      @name_sprite.visible = false
      @name_sprite.bitmap = Bitmap.new(32,32)
    # キャラボップモード
    if @text.gsub!(/\\[Pp]\[-1\]/) { "" }
      self.pop_character = -1
    elsif @text.gsub!(/\\[Pp]\[([0-9]+)\]/) { "" }
      self.pop_character = $1.to_i
    elsif @text.gsub!(/\\[Pp]/) { "" }
      self.pop_character = 0
    # 制御文字処理
    @text.gsub!(/\\[Ss]\[([0-9]+)\]/i) { "\x11[#{$1}]" }
    @text.gsub!(/\\size\[([0-9]+)\]/i) { "\x12[#{$1}]" }
    @text.gsub!(/\\[Oo]\[([0-9]+)\]/i) { "\x13[#{$1}]" }
    @text.gsub!(/\\icon\[([0-9]+)\]/i) { "\x17[#{$1}]" }
    @text.gsub!(/\\last_holder/i) { "\x18" }
    @text.gsub!(/\\last_material/i) { "\x19" }
    @text.gsub!(/\\B/) { "\x14" }
    @text.gsub!(/\\I/) { "\x15" }
    @text.gsub!(/\\D/) { "\x16" }
    @text.gsub!(/\\n/) { "\x00" }
    # ライン情報の取得
    rxs = ["\x01","\x02","\x03","\x04","\x05","\x06","\x07","\x08",
      "\x11","\x12","\x13","\x14", "\x15", "\x16", "\x17", "\x18","\x19"]
    lines = @text.split("\x00")
    @lines_max = lines.size
    for i in 0...@lines_max
      line = lines[i]
      for rx in rxs
        line.gsub!(rx) {""}
      @line_aligns[i] =
        line.sub!(/\\center/) {""} ? CENTER :
        line.sub!(/\\right/)  {""} ? RIGHT :
      # 行の横幅の取得と設定
      cx = contents.text_size(line).width
      @line_widths[i] = cx
    # 位置揃え制御文字の削除
    @text.gsub!(/\\center/) {""}
    @text.gsub!(/\\right/) {""}
    # キャラポップ時のウィンドウリサイズ
  # ● メッセージの更新 *
  def update_message
    @wait_count = @type_wait
    loop do
      c = @text.slice!(/./m)            # 次の文字を取得
      case update_message_type(c)
      when 1
      when 2
      break unless @show_fast or @line_show_fast
  # 一文字の描画 (返り値 1:break, 2:next)
  def update_message_type(c)
    case c
    when nil                          # 描画すべき文字がない
      finish_message                  # 更新終了
      return 1
    when "\x00"                       # 改行
      max = MAX_LINE
      max = 14 if self.pop_character != nil
      if @line_count >= max      # 行数が最大のとき
        unless @text.empty?           # さらに続きがあるなら
          self.pause = true           # 入力待ちを入れる
          return 1
    when "\x01"                       # \C[n]  (文字色変更)
      @text.sub!(/\[([0-9]+)\]/, "")
      contents.font.color = text_color($1.to_i)
      return 2
    when "\x11"                       # \s[n]  (スピード変更)
      @text.sub!(/\[([0-9]+)\]/, "")
      @type_wait = $1.to_i
      return 2
    when "\x12"                       # \size
      @text.sub!(/\[([0-9]+)\]/, "")
      contents.font.size = $1.to_i
      return 2
    when "\x13"                       # \O
      @text.sub!(/\[([0-9]+)\]/, "")
      contents.font.color.alpha = $1.to_i
      return 2
    when "\x02"                       # \G  (所持金表示)
    when "\x03"                       # \.  (ウェイト 1/4 秒)
      @wait_count = 15
      return 1
    when "\x04"                       # \|  (ウェイト 1 秒)
      @wait_count = 60
      return 1
    when "\x05"                       # \!  (入力待ち)
      self.pause = true
      return 1
    when "\x06"                       # \>  (瞬間表示 ON)
      @line_show_fast = true
    when "\x07"                       # \<  (瞬間表示 OFF)
      @line_show_fast = false
    when "\x08"                       # \^  (入力待ちなし)
      @pause_skip = true
    when "\x14" #\B
      contents.font.bold ^= true
    when "\x15" #\I
      contents.font.italic ^= true
    when "\x16" #\D
      contents.font.shadow ^= true
    when "\x17"
      @text.sub!(/\[([0-9]+)\]/, "")
      draw_icon($1.to_i, @contents_x, @contents_y)
      @contents_x += 24
    when "\x18"
      name = ($game_temp.last_gain_holder.name rescue "")
    when "\x19"
      item = ($game_temp.last_gain_material.item rescue nil)
      draw_item_name(item, @contents_x, @contents_y)
      @contents_x += 196
    else                              # 普通の文字
    return 0
  def update_message_type_draw_at(c)

    return if c.to_s.size == 0
    c_width  = contents.text_size(c).width
    c_height = contents.text_size(c).height

    if c == "่" or c == "้" or c == "๊" or c == "๋"
    @contents_x -= 2
    elsif c == "ิ" or c == "ี" or c == "ึ" or c == "ื" or c == "็"
    @contents_x -= 7
    elsif c == "ำ"
    @contents_x -= 3
    elsif c == "์" or c == "ั"
    @contents_x -= 6
    elsif c == "ู" or c == "ุ"
    @contents_x -= 6
    contents.draw_text(@contents_x, @contents_y - (c_height - WLH) / 2, c_width, c_height, c)
    if c == "่" or c == "้" or c == "๊" or c == "๋"
    @contents_x += 1
    elsif c == "ิ" or c == "ี" or c == "ึ" or c == "ื" or c == "็"
    @contents_x += 1
    elsif c == "ำ"
    @contents_x += 1
    elsif c == "์" or c == "ั"
    @contents_x += 1
   elsif c == "ู" or c == "ุ"
    @contents_x += 1
    @contents_x += c_width
  # ● 改ページ処理
  alias xrxsv2_new_page new_page
  def new_page
  # ● 改行処理
  alias xrxsv2_new_line new_line
  def new_line
  # 位置揃え
  def set_align
    w = @line_widths[@line_count].to_i
    a = @line_aligns[@line_count]
    case a
    when CENTER
      @contents_x = @contents_x + ((contents.width - @contents_x) - w) / 2
    when RIGHT
      @contents_x = contents.width - w
  # ● メッセージの終了
  alias xrxsv2_terminate_message terminate_message
  def terminate_message
  # 定数
  AUTO   = 0
  LEFT   = 1
  CENTER = 2
  RIGHT  = 3
# アクティブイベント取得
class Game_Interpreter
  attr_reader   :event_id
# 各種機能の追加 - キャラポップ/ネーム/ホールド
class Window_Message < Window_Selectable
  # ● カーソルの更新 *
  def update_cursor
    if @index >= 0
      x = ($game_message.face_name.empty? ? 0 : 112)
      y = ($game_message.choice_start + @index) * WLH - 1
      w = contents.width - x
      if self.pop_character != nil
        x += 28
        w -= 20
      self.cursor_rect.set(x, y, w, WLH)
  # キャラクターの取得
  #   parameter : パラメータ
  def get_character(parameter)
    # パラメータで分岐
    case parameter
    when -1  # プレイヤー
      return $game_player
    when 0  # 現在アクティブなイベント
      id = $game_map.interpreter.event_id
      events = $game_map.events
      return events == nil ? nil : events[id]
    else  # 特定のイベント
      events = $game_map.events
      return events == nil ? nil : events[parameter]
  # (メッセージ終了時)ホールドの処理
  def process_hold
    if @window_hold
      for sprite in @extra_sprites
        next if sprite.disposed?
      self.openness = 0
      @name_window.openness = 0
      @back_sprite.visible = false
      @held_windows.each {|object| object.dispose}
    @name_sprite.visible = false
  # キャラポップ位置の設定と取得
  def pop_character=(character_id)
    @pop_character = character_id
  def pop_character
    return @pop_character
  # キャラポップ時のウィンドウリサイズ
  def reszie_window_for_pop
    if self.pop_character != nil
      max_x = @line_widths.max.to_i
      n  = max_x + 32
      n += $game_message.face_name.empty? ? 0 : 122
      m  = $game_message.face_name.empty? ? 0 : 96
      w  = @name_sprite.bitmap.width
      self.width  = [n, w].max
      self.height = [@lines_max * WLH, m].max + 32
    elsif @info_mode
      @line_aligns[0] = CENTER
      self.x = - 8
      self.width = Graphics.width + 16
      self.height = 56
      self.x = 0
      self.width  = Graphics.width
      self.height = MAX_LINE * WLH + 32
  # ● 背景スプライトの作成
  alias xrxsv2_create_back_sprite create_back_sprite
  def create_back_sprite
    @back_sprite.zoom_x = 1.0 * Graphics.width / @back_sprite.bitmap.width
    @name_window = Window_Base.new(0,0,112,36)
    @name_window.visible = false
    @name_sprite = Sprite.new
    @name_sprite.bitmap = Bitmap.new(32,32)
    @name_sprite.visible = false
    self.x = self.x
    self.y = self.y
    self.z = self.z
    @held_windows = []
    @extra_sprites = []
  # ● 背景スプライトの解放
  alias xrxsv2_dispose_back_sprite dispose_back_sprite
  def dispose_back_sprite
    for window in @held_windows
  # ● 背景スプライトの更新
  alias xrxsv2_update_back_sprite update_back_sprite
  def update_back_sprite
  # ウィンドウの位置と不透明度の設定 (キャラポップ)
  def update_charpop_window
    if self.pop_character
      character = get_character(self.pop_character)
      return if character == nil
      # [X座標]
      n = self.width / 2
      n = [n, @name_skin.width + 16].max if @current_name != nil
      w = @name_sprite.bitmap.width
      x = character.screen_x - [[n, w].max, self.width - 32].min
      # [Y座標]
      case @position
      when 0
        y = character.screen_y - CHARPOP_HEIGHT - self.height
        y = character.screen_y + 16
      x_max = Graphics.width - 4 - self.width
      x_min = 4
      y_max = Graphics.height - self.height
      y_min = 4
      self.x = [[x, x_max].min, x_min].max
      self.y = [[y, y_max].min, y_min].max
  # 位置の連動
  def x=(n)
    if @name_window
      @name_window.x = n + NAME_WINDOW_OFFSET_X
      @name_sprite.x = n + NAME_WINDOW_OFFSET_X + 8
  def y=(n)
    if @name_window
      @name_window.y = n + NAME_WINDOW_OFFSET_Y
      @name_sprite.y = n + NAME_WINDOW_OFFSET_Y + 2
  def z=(n)
    if @name_window
      @name_window.z = n + 1
      @name_sprite.z = n + 2
# 伸縮対応
class Window_Message < Window_Selectable
  # ● ウィンドウの背景と位置の設定 [再定義]
  def reset_window
    @background = $game_message.background
    @position = $game_message.position
    if @background == 0   # 通常ウィンドウ
      self.opacity = 255
    else                  # 背景を暗くする、透明にする
      self.opacity = 0
    case @position
    when 0  # 上
      self.y = 0
      @gold_window.y = 360
    when 1  # 中
      self.y = (Graphics.height - self.height) / 2
      @gold_window.y = 0
    when 2  # 下
      self.y = Graphics.height - self.height
      @gold_window.y = 0
# □ Window_Copy
#   指定のウィンドウのコピーを作成します。
class Window_Copy < Window_Base
  # ○ オブジェクト初期化
  def initialize(window)
    super(window.x, window.y, window.width, window.height)
    self.contents = window.contents.dup unless window.contents.nil?
    self.opacity = window.opacity
    self.back_opacity = window.back_opacity
    self.z = window.z - 3
    self.visible = window.visible
# □ Sprite_Copy
#   指定のスプライトのコピーを作成します。
class Sprite_Copy < Sprite
  # ○ オブジェクト初期化
  def initialize(sprite)
    self.bitmap = sprite.bitmap.dup unless sprite.bitmap.nil?
    self.opacity = sprite.opacity
    self.x = sprite.x
    self.y = sprite.y
    self.z = sprite.z - 3
    self.ox = sprite.ox
    self.oy = sprite.oy
    self.zoom_x = sprite.zoom_x
    self.visible = sprite.visible


ป.ล. ผมยังไม่มีแผนแปลโปรเจคใดๆครับ แต่ล่าสุดมีข่าวว่ามีคนแปล ib แล้ว (ไม่ใช่ผม) ลองติดตามดูนะครับ
jateknight   03-08-2013, 11:00 AM
ใช้ได้แล้วครับ ขอบคุณมากๆเลยครับ
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